This was not the first time that I have read Maus but I feel like it is something that can easily be read again every once in a while. Simply for the historical context and for what I personally believe is entertaining at least to read about, the Holocaust. I think that this novel serves as a historical literary icon in retaining information about what really happened to these people during World War II and it's use of the characters as animals rather than humans helps differ it from many others similar by throwing a curve ball and further exaggerating the story. Simply the whole idea of predator and prey, mouse and cat, is simply genius in explaining this Holocaust story.
I think that this story is one of the reasons that graphic novels are legitimized today as real novels. Not to say that there aren't many others that also help this but I think that since so many people read this in high school and growing up because it is so well done definitely makes it different and iconic in the comic world. I really do like this novel and think so many aspects of it could be put into other graphic novels to make them better such as its great use of symbolism throughout as well as the way the narrators first person point of view switches between Vladek and Art. Great read.
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