When I first started Contract
With God, I did not realize how sad it was going to be. It starts off at
such a quick low and in the character development of Frimme Hersh you start
feeling sad for him and what is going on with his life so fast. It really is written
very well and the imagery used for each page works incredibly well with the
writing. Each one of the stories in Contract
With God was interesting though and they all had this feeling of sadness
that you couldn’t help but feel for some characters and aspects of their lives.
After the second one, when I got onto the third I was literally just like
waiting for the sad part to come and feel bad for the character. It really is
just written with such emotion.
I think
Eisner does a really good job though of mixing the two (story and imagery), but
as bigger focus on the story. The imagery wouldn’t even be there if it weren’t
for these stories so I think that fact that he just really nails you right in
the heart with these stories the artwork just exemplifies the story that much
more emotionally. Good work, Will Eisner for hitting the feels on this one.